Boiler Spares and boler parts uk


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Frequently asked questions

How does the site work?

You select the part(s) or items you require online and reserve them online. You do this by processing through the checkout. We do not include a shipping charge.

You can or we will contact us/you for payment and to discuss the best delivery options for you.

Payment up front?

No. Just select and reserve your part online. You will notice that no shipping is included at this stage.

What are the general delivery prices?

We can discuss your needs when you call to pay for your item but some rough guidelines are available below.

All deliveries are 'Next day delivery'

Before 9am - £20

Before 10am - £16

Before Noon - £12

Before 5.30 - £6.5

Small items are charged at £3

Can I search via reference codes?

Yes. Just use our search option at the top left of the screen, or click the search option in the bottom menu.

Will I receive a confirmation of the order?

Yes. As long as you enter your email address at the customer details screen you will receive an instant email receipt with your order number and details of the reserved part.

What do I need when I call?

All you need is your details, the part you ordered or your order ID number. That's it.










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Boiler Spares UK. 34 Nowell Lane, Leeds, LS9 6JE. Tel: 0113 240 0920 -

Copyright © 2015 Boiler Spares UK - Suppliers of boiler spare parts and controls for cookers, boilers and fires.